Home Security Contracts: Why Do Companies Use Them?

Last Updated on March 4, 2022 by Alarm New England

Home security contracts can be an especially confusing topic when you’re researching which company to choose for security equipment and alarm monitoring to protect your home. The more you understand the motivation of the Home Security industry the better you can understand how to partner with them.

Trust is a big deal in the home security industry, so we aim to be transparent about the way we operate and help our customers make informed choices. We’d like to break down why home security companies use contracts and what to look for before signing one. The bottom line the more informed you can be the better positioned you will be to choose the right alarm system for you and your family.

The Myth of the Free Alarm System

A free alarm system is “free” in the same way a new phone from Verizon, AT&T, or T-Mobile is “free”: You agree to a monthly contract, which will cover the cost of the “free” equipment.

At Alarm New England, we’re running a business; if we gave out security systems for free, we couldn’t afford to protect the tens of thousands of customers who depend on us. We need to pay our employees, purchase alarm equipment, and cover the cost of installation and alarm monitoring.

alarm companies implement contracts for alarm monitoring

Our customers have their own needs as well: Many prefer to pay for large purchases over smaller monthly payments rather than all at once.

That’s why a contract helps everyone.

Every alarm company hopes to build a reciprocal relationship with each customer. We invest in you by absorbing some of the initial cost of the security equipment and make buying a home security system as easy as possible. We also want to make home security accessible to a wide range of homeowners.

And in return, you invest your trust in us by signing a contract to pay a certain amount each month to cover your home security equipment and monitoring.

Read Your Home Security Contracts Carefully

Overall, contracts in the home security industry are a win-win. But some companies make contracts frustrating for their customers by not fully explaining the contents of the document.

To further complicate matters, customers don’t always read these contracts as closely as they should.

We know contracts are boring and tedious to get through, but you’ll feel more at ease knowing exactly what you’ve signed up for.

Family meeting with home security professional to install alarm system

Some people sign home security contracts without realizing that the cost of their system will be split over the course of three years, which means that if they want to cancel early, they’ve got to pay off a percentage of the remaining balance.

That’s why we strongly encourage you to read your contract to make sure you know what to expect.

Especially the fine print.

3-Year Home Security Contracts Vs. Upfront Payment

While the contract is an industry standard, the requirements in contracts vary from company to company. Some alarm companies (Alarm New England included) provide the option to pay for all of the equipment upfront and not be on a three-year plan.

These month-to-month plans benefit people who move around more frequently and like having the added flexibility of being able to cancel or restart their alarm monitoring at will. The customer pays the full cost of the equipment and installation, so they only pay for monitoring each month.

Home security camera installation

Be careful when searching for month-to-month options, however, as the quality of equipment and monitoring can vary widely.

Research the home security company carefully, read as many customer reviews as you can, and don’t jump into a purchase unless you’re completely confident in what the company sells.

What Happens to Your Security System Contract When You Move

One essential thing you should check on in your contract is whether you can transfer the contract to your new home. Be sure that if you were to relocate, you would be able to easily transfer your alarm system to your new home.

securing your home with the right security

Moving to a new home is expensive and stressful enough as it is. Ask your sales rep about this, and be on the lookout for the relevant clause in the contract.

If you’ve got a hardwired system like a Honeywell Vista, there will absolutely be an expense involved with moving that system to a new property. In fact, the cost may be so high that it’d be cheaper to buy a new system altogether.

To avoid those extra fees, consider a wireless security system that’s easy to set up and take down yourself without needing power tools.

alarm system door sensor installation

If you do foresee yourself moving to a new house or apartment in the next three years, a wireless security system will make your life way easier. All you have to do is take your equipment off the walls, windows, ceiling, and doors, put everything in a box, bring those to your new home, and call us when you’ve re-mounted everything so we can reactivate the system.

If you’re moving into a larger home and need additional equipment, let us know and we’ll make sure you’re taken care of.

Researching Home Security Company Contracts

When you’re considering home security companies, look for a company that fits your needs. Know whether you’d prefer a wired or wireless system, and ensure the contract will work in your favor should you move to a new home. Finding the best alarm solution for your home can be intimidating but once you understand the basics on how these contracts work you will be that much closer to the best fit.

Regardless of what kind of system you ultimately go with, we hope that you do careful research on each alarm company and their contracts—and make sure you’ve read the fine print!

12 Simple Ways to Prevent Home Security False Alarms

Last Updated on March 4, 2022 by Alarm New England

One of the biggest issues with the use of an alarm system is the problem of false alarms. Most false alarms are caused either by user error or equipment malfunction.  Being familiar with your security system and partnering with a company that is dedicated to the latest technology can help reduce false alarms.

These are responsible for 94% to 98% of all alarm calls and most police departments have fines in place in an effort to cut down on false alarms.

False alarms are not only embarrassing and costly for homeowners; they eat up a lot of valuable police resources and tax dollars that could be better spent elsewhere.

What can you do to prevent false alarms? Here are some easy steps that every owner of an alarm system should follow.

  • Keep your alarm system in good operating condition. Test it once a month. Have it inspected as necessary by trained, professional technicians. Report and repair faulty devices immediately.  It’s hard to remember to perform monthly checks on the equipment so make sure you put a reminder into your calendar.
  • Keep ground-floor doors and windows in good condition. Doors that won’t latch properly should be repaired so that the wind doesn’t blow them open. Windows that are not secured properly in their frames could lead to an accidental alarm.  Not only does this reduce false alarms it also helps secure your home against intruders.
  • Ensure that everyone who is going to use the alarm system is trained in its proper operation. Make special arrangements for house-guests, cleaning companies, delivery people or repair technicians.  It is important to make sure family members are familiar with the system in case of an emergency. 
  • Make sure that all authorized users of the system know the passcode. The passcode is our only method of identifying you over the telephone. We need that information to cancel an alarm or to discuss your account. You can have more than one passcode.
  • Advise all authorized users to answer the telephone if it rings after they’ve accidentally set off the alarm system. Your monitoring station will be calling to verify the alarm so don’t ignore that ringing telephone.
  • If you accidentally set off your alarm you can also try calling your central monitoring station first. Do so from a cellular phone or another line, however, because the alarm system may still be in the process of using your telephone line to send additional signals.
Alarm Monitoring
  • If you accidentally set off a silent alarm that calls for immediate police response such as a panic, duress, or hold-up alarm, it is imperative that you call the monitoring station immediately! Unless you have notes on your account stating otherwise, your monitoring station will NOT call to verify a silent alarm; they will immediately send the police.
  • Keep your account up-to-date! Immediately inform your alarm company of any changes to your account such as authorized users, telephone numbers, passcodes, addition of pets, etc.
  • Always use exhaust fans when cooking. This makes it less likely that you accidentally set off a smoke detector.
  • Don’t leave things hanging from the ceiling (balloons, decorations, etc.) in a room that contains a motion detector.
  • Before arming the system, make sure that everyone has left the premises.
  • Always notify your alarm company before you do any remodeling and make sure that they are aware of any changes or additions that might affect the proper operation of your alarm system.

Overall, one of the best ways to avoid accidentally triggering an alarm is to be familiar with all your system’s components.



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